Physically interactive virtual pet

Integrating the physical and virtual world by allowing users to control a virtual pet on the web through a physical controller.






3 weeks


Makey Makey, P5.js, Illustrator, Laser cutter


As people’s interest in the digital world grew since its introduction, there have been many innovations that bridged the physical and digital world. Virtual pets are one of many gamified examples of this. Either through a handheld device or on the internet, they allow players to interact with a digital creature behind a screen and take care of it as if it were a real pet.

This project takes inspiration from many existing virtual pets in its technical, conceptual, and aesthetic design. The concept of integrated systems also plays a part in the final design. Using the Makey Makey and P5.js, both touch and sound are interconnected to create system where the physical “real” world flows into digital and vice-versa for specific elements of the design.

Accessibility is also factored in since this is a product meant for younger children. The interface of the physical component is designed in a way that matches a young child’s cognitive capabilities with its distinct shapes and labels. Feedback for doing an action successfully is given in the form of a visual change on the screen and/or sound. Overall, the combination of touch, sound, and visuals allows for a more immersive experience.